This made me think of a counselling journey, while on a walk one evening this week…
Before the Monday Group built this path, it could be impassable in excessively wet weather. Much like life can feel when things get difficult.
But with a solid path, the grass can creep up, the rain can make the ground boggy, and though the walk may have some obstacles, we can journey on.
It can be much the same when we give ourselves space to acknowledge what we are dealing with in our lives. We can build the firm path that allows us to get through lifes many obstacles - our core can be more solid, and we can deal with the ‘messiness’ a little more easily. We don’t have to sink, or turn back, or grip for dear life to some barbed wire fencing to get through, collecting scratches on the way.
And I’m guessing it’s easier to build a path before the problem becomes too big - perhaps the same could apply to therapy.