Strength, yet fragility
I realise I’m a bit of an analogy sucker, but I do love it when I see learning in my environment, particularly when that space is new to...
the garden rooms hassocks
Strength, yet fragility
Natures Teaching...
Building your path...
Positive versus negative?
Are you defensive? And what can it mean?
If you never say no, what is your yes worth?
hard days pass...they always do.
'That's the cradle of your love of life - the fact that it ends...'
'Try to prise a limpet away from its rock and it will cling all the harder.' John Bowlby
Must you 'Man up'? And could it lead to 'Man down'?
Be your own best friend...
I will love you, if.....
An invitation to accept the unacceptable...
New Year, Old You?
Are we our own Puppeteers?
Loss or Gloss? The Curious Counsellor...
Are you 'good enough'? Posted by the Curious Counsellor