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the garden rooms hassocks

Emma Turner
20 hours ago2 min read
5 tips for getting outside in your working day...
We know that connection with nature is good for us. Spending time in green space or bringing nature into your everyday life can benefit...
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Emma Turner
Jan 131 min read
As an Integrative counsellor, I believe there isn’t just one therapeutic approach that can help individuals in all situations. What works...
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Emma Turner
Jul 20, 20241 min read
Strength, yet fragility
I realise I’m a bit of an analogy sucker, but I do love it when I see learning in my environment, particularly when that space is new to...
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Emma Turner
Jul 20, 20241 min read
Natures Teaching...
My sweet pea’s are leaning on the plant next to it for support… zoom in and you’ll see the clever and beautiful twisting and turning...
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Emma Turner
Jun 14, 20241 min read
Building your path...
This made me think of a counselling journey, while on a walk one evening this week… Before the Monday Group built this path, it could be...
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Emma Turner
May 27, 20241 min read
Positive versus negative?
I love this reminder… if I don’t hold both the difficult times and the better moments with an equal respect, reminding myself that they...
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Emma Turner
Feb 28, 20242 min read
Are you defensive? And what can it mean?
I was invited to a birthday gathering last week, where I didn't really know anyone beyond the person celebrating. I got chatting to a...
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Emma Turner
Jan 4, 20242 min read
If you never say no, what is your yes worth?
This time of year can leave us feeling exhausted. The festive break has a reputation for making all sorts of demands on people, with a...
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Emma Turner
Aug 23, 20231 min read
hard days pass...they always do.
When things are bad, remember: It wont always be this way. Take one day at a time. When things are good, remember: It won't always be...
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Emma Turner
Jun 1, 20232 min read
'That's the cradle of your love of life - the fact that it ends...'
I notice a sense of anxiety whilst considering writing this blog entry. I notice that I have typed, backspaced, typed, backspaced...
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Emma Turner
May 9, 20231 min read
'Try to prise a limpet away from its rock and it will cling all the harder.' John Bowlby
I haven't posted for a while, and wanted to make contact with something that feels relevant to most people I speak with. Attachment....
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Emma Turner
Feb 22, 20232 min read
Must you 'Man up'? And could it lead to 'Man down'?
Today, I feel disappointed that I didn't find the strength to react as I'd have liked, and, as I believe, I needed to. I had popped out...
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Emma Turner
Jan 22, 20232 min read
Be your own best friend...
I love this journey. And I love much about the time we live in. Inspiration is available in so many forms, and feels much more accessible...
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Emma Turner
Jan 12, 20232 min read
I will love you, if..... don't please others before don't get are are quiet.... In an ideal...
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Emma Turner
Jan 2, 20231 min read
An invitation to accept the unacceptable...
This time of year often speaks of resolution to change. But what if you tried something different? As an alternative to trying to...
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Emma Turner
Dec 31, 20221 min read
New Year, Old You?
I sat down to consider my thoughts around the upcoming New Year, and fell upon these kind 'words to self', written by Donna Ashworth....
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Emma Turner
Oct 11, 20222 min read
Are we our own Puppeteers?
Life scripts have been dominant in my client work this past week. What is yours, and is it serving you well? The idea stems from...
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Emma Turner
Oct 6, 20221 min read
Loss or Gloss? The Curious Counsellor...
During some training yesterday, at a local hospice where I work, a colleague confided that for years they had only recognised loss in the...
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Emma Turner
Sep 29, 20221 min read
Are you 'good enough'? Posted by the Curious Counsellor
Hitting the ground running as a newly qualified counsellor has already provided plenty of moments for reflection. The over whelming...
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